You and I

The same history told over and over again
never tired of your beauty I grow
a message that resonates with my soul
you and I forever together and alone
eternal bliss I feel inside Gaia’s womb

My enemy and my friend
I fear you and love you
I destroy you and I create you

Dichotomy to the eye of the beholder
Happiness to the eye of the lover
Sadness to the eye of the scared
Perfection to the eye of the wise
What to do I don’t know

I let the perfection of this moment direct me
The wisdom of my instincts show me what my eyes cannot see,
my ears cannot hear, and my hands cannot touch…
Infinite light opening the path into my heart

Blackness and lightness combined…
I love me, I love you, I love us

Carlos "Hakuin" Ocando




Thank you