Being true to yourself
Staying true to yourself in todays society is a complex endeavor, most people just let society dictate who they are, how they dress, what they do for a living.
Artists go trough this same process in different ways, specially when you are trying to get the “art-world” to take you seriously. Everything has gotten a little bit weird and too serious, we can’t forget that Art is about expression, fun and play (well at least for me it is).
So don’t forget to have fun while shooting, painting, writing or singing this life is too short to try to convince other people that we are any good or worth any attention. Live your life to the fullest right where you are, you don’t need to go anywhere or buy anything to be yourself.
Enjoy the party of you and your craft or whatever the hell you love to do, and please don’t stay in a box just because society tells you or because is the “right thing to do”, I’m not telling you to be an ass or break the law. Just allow your magic to flow from your heart.
Get away from your “comfort zone” experiment with different medias, take a different route on your morning commute. If you like nature, experiment with architecture or portraits. Let your essence guide you and go beyond your self imposed limits.
As an experiment sometimes I like to shoot different subjects and compositions that what I usually do. The images in this blog are an example of what I’ve been doing. It’s been a lot of fun.
Carlos “Haku1n” Ocando