Sanando (Healing) New Portfolio

Sanando (Healing) is all about healing our wounds and how determination, inspiration and love can help us achieve anything we believe possible. When I started working on this portfolio I was in a transition point in my life, where I started meditating, exercising and taking a better care of myself.

This portfolio to me, is the perfect representation of what I was going trough in that point of my life. Most of the images are still life photos, macro or patterns created by nature, mainly small plants or exotic plants from japanese gardens.

Maybe you could use this as an inspiration to go beyond any limitation and create a better life for yourself, a daily reminder that can help you the same way it helped me.

I invite you to go to the Gallery section and check this new portfolio or check out the store if you want to buy one of the open edition prints that are for sale.

Carlos “Haku1n” Ocando


Gema I


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