
Painters and sculptors go through a process of concepts and mockups. They make a quick a draw with a general idea of what the final piece will be or a small scale model of the final project.

As a photographer the process is a little different for me, I called it explorations and is the process of a constant study of the same subject until I feel satisfied with the results and the images that come out from the process.

Here I’m presenting you a few stil life and outdoor examples of me revisiting the same subject and keep exploring different light, mood and composition.

This approach has allowed me to let go and let the process of photography and creativity guide me and my subconscious mind to make photographs that I would not be able to visualize without the exploration process.

It’s important to trust your instinct and keep trying, walk around, look at the front, the back, different day, different light. The important part is the enjoy the process and don’t stop trying until you achieve a result that inspires you and gives that inner feeling of accomplishment.



Foggy Morning in my Castle


International Photography Awards 2020 - Honorable Mention