I’ve been considered a “Landscape Photographer” since the begining of my photography journey, I consider myself more than that, I shoot many subjects and have passed through many faces, surrealism, portraits, double exposure, still life, and so on.
I guess people consider me a landscape photographer because I feel very connected to nature and inspired by it, but most of the time I like to see myself as a creative, a photographer, an artist.
I'm telling you this story because I want to show this new body of work that I’ve been developing since mid 2019. A project where I explore shape, light, shadow and color by defocusing the subjects and just showing the escense of the composition.
Here is a small selection of the images that sumarize all the different subjects that I’ve explored in the past using the same technique. I call this body of work Echoes because I feel they echo the first impression that you may have when you look at the subject, the light and the composition.
Carlos “Haku1n” Ocando